To make your rental experience the most pleasant it could possibly be, giving you total satisfaction with the property you have leased and the level of service we provide. Serving Columbia, Missouri since 1986; we provide affordable and well maintained 3 bedroom houses and townhomes to meet your housing needs. All properties are Broker owned.
A: Call us at our main phone # and if it's after hours a page is sent out or you can email a maintenance request to us.
A: If you see insects, just call or email a request to us and we will contact a professional pest control company for extermination.
A: Yes, we will go over this with you at your move out inspection.
A: Yes, most repairs can be taken care of the same day.
A: We can usually find a solution to any unexpected problem that occur, just talk with us before it gets out of hand. Communication is important.
1.) When you click the "Pay Now" button below, you will be asked to enter an amount in the box labeled "Item price" you will need to add 4% to your desired payment then enter it and click on "Continue".
Example, if your rent is $1200.00 you will add $50.00
(4% of the total paid) or (1200/.96=1250)
then put $1250.00 in the "Item price" box and click "Continue".
2.) Now simply choose a way to pay, either login to your PayPal account or use your Debit / Credit Card.
Thank You